About the congress
Created in 2019, NeoBrain Brazil is an International Congress of Brain Monitoring and Neuroprotection organized by PBSF (Protecting Brains & Saving Futures). The purpose of the event is to exclusively discuss neuroprotection and care protocols focused on the brain of high-risk babies around the world.
In its first edition, NeoBrain Brazil received nine international speakers – several of them members of the Newborn Brain Society – and more than 900 participants, all linked to the health area as doctors, pediatricians, neonatologists, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, other professionals and students.
On March 7, 2024, pre-congress workshops will be held, addressing topics such as brain monitoring, prevention of peri-intraventricular hemorrhage, nutrition, and respiratory care to protect the premature brain.
Vacancies are limited. If you are interested in participating, send an email to inscricoes@neobrain.com.br and request additional information.
Central Theme: The brain of the premature
The Congress aims to enable and expand the discussion of topics such as:
- The impact of the problem in Brazil and in the World
- Neuroprotection strategies (temperature control, ambience, caffeine)
- Brain-Lung Axes - Ventilatory Management
- Brain-Gut Axis - Nutrition
- Hemodynamic Management
- Prevention of infections during hospitalization and post-discharge
- Continuous Brain Monitoring
- Therapeutic hypothermia
- Radiological evaluation
- Multidisciplinary care
- New Technologies and Digital Health
- Follow-up
March, 8 th
07h30 - Welcome
08h00 - Session 1
08h00 | Obstetric Interventions to Prevent Preterm Birth and Brain Injury - Speaker: Antonio Moron |
08h20 | Neonatal resuscitation training to protect the preterm brain - Speaker: Maria Fernanda Branco de Almeida |
08h40 | Neuroprotective bundle for Intraventricular Hemorrhage Prevention - Speaker: Khorshid Mohammad |
09h00 | Q&A and discussion - Moderator: Lilian Sadeck e Ruth Guinsburg |
09h30 - Opening ceremony
10h10 - Coffee Break
10h30 - Session 2
10h40 | Hemodynamic management in the first 72 hours of life - Speaker: Renato Procianoy |
10h50 | The brain-gut axis - Speaker: Nicholas Embleton |
11h10 | Infections and the preterm brain - Speaker: Pablo Sanchez |
11h30 | Protecting the Brain during respiratory care: the importance of the Brain-Lung Axis - Speaker: Guilherme Sant'Anna |
12h00 | Q&A and discussion - Moderators: Renata Lorenzetti e Maurício Magalhães |
12h30 - Lunch Symposium "All Care is Brain Care" - Speaker: Sonia Bonifacio - Moderators: Rodrigo Jesus e Lais Seccomandi
14h00 - Session 3
14h00 | The Role of a Neurological ICU to Protect the Preterm Brain - Speaker: Krisa Van Meurs |
14h20 | aEEG monitoring for stable and critically ill premature infants in the Neonatal ICU - Speaker: Eilon Shany |
14h40 | NIRS in the preterm population - Speaker: Mohamed El-Dib |
15h00 | Multimodal monitoring - Speaker: Gabriel Variane |
15h20 | Q&A and discussion - Moderators: Rafaela Fabri e Paula Girotto |
15h50 - Coffee Break
16h20 - Session 4
16h20 | Anemia and blood transfusion in preterm infants - Speaker: Valerie Chock |
16h40 | Neuroimaging Strategies to Assess the preterm Brain - Speaker: Antonio Rocha |
17h00 | Neurodevelopmental care and families in the Neonatal ICU - Speaker: Kathi Randall |
17h20 | Strategy for a post-hospital discharge follow-up program - Speaker: Rita de Cassia Silveira |
17h40 | Q&A and discussion - Moderators: Paulo Pachi e Clery |
18h10 - Closing Remarks (1st day)
- the schedule may change according to the availability of the invited teachers
March, 9 th
07h45 - Welcome
08h00 - Session 1
08h00 | Caffeine and the preterm brain - Speaker: Mauricio Magalhães |
08h20 | Seizures and the preterm brain - Speaker: Eilon Shany |
08h40 | “Preemie hypothermia trial": results of a study evaluating therapeutic hypothermia in preterm infants - Speaker: Krisa Van Meurs |
09h00 | Smart Neonatal ICU: A Near Future? - Speaker: Guilherme Sant'Anna |
09h20 | Q&A and discussion - Moderators: Letícia Sampaio e Danieli Kimura |
09h50 - Coffee Break
10h20 - Session 2
10h20 | Patent ductus arteriosus and repercussions on the preterm brain - Speaker: Valerie Chock |
10h40 | Point of Care bedside skills: a way out! - Speaker: Khorshid Mohammad |
11h00 | Management of Post-hemorrhagic - Speaker: Mohamed El-Dib |
11h20 | Q&A and discussion - Moderators: Alexandre Netto e Bianca Figueiredo |
11h50 | Interactive Case Scenario: Realistic Simulation - Speaker: Rafaela Fabri - Moderadores: Gabriel Variane e Maurício Magalhães |
12h30 - Lunch Symposium: Multidisciplinary and bedside nursing education: Development of a care team model - Palestrante: Kathi Randall - Moderators: Nicolas Rodrigues e Sabrina Zalunche
14h00 - Session 3
14h00 | Updated nutritional strategies to optimize brain development- Speaker: Nicholas Embleton |
14h20 | Novel strategies to reduce antibiotic use in the NICU - Speaker: Pablo Sanchez |
14h40 | Innovative technologies for preemie brain care - Speaker: Mohamed El-Dib |
15h00 | Telehealth and disruptive technologies - Speaker: Gabriel Variane |
15h20 | Q&A and discussion - Moderators: Rafaela Fabri e Teresa Uras |
15h50 - Coffee Break
16h20 - Session 4
16h20 | Kangaroo Care and its impact on neuroprotection - Speaker: Sérgio Marba |
16h40 | Predicting long-term outcomes based on clinical and imaging findings - Speaker: Sonia Bonifacio |
17h00 | High Risk Infant Follow up in California: Where are we now and where do we need to go? - Speaker: Susan Hintz |
17h20 | Testimony from a family |
17h50 | Q&A and discussion - Moderators: José Maria Lopes e Maria Auxiliadora Gomes |
*the schedule may change according to the availability of the invited teachers
11 Confirmed international speakers

Sonia Bonifacio
Stanford University School of Medicine

Krisa Van Meurs
Stanford University School of Medicine

Kathi Randall
Synapse Care Solutions

Mohamed El-Dib
Harvard Medical School

Guilherme Sant´Anna
McGill University Health Center

Nicholas Embleton
New Castle University

Valerie Chock
Stanford University School of Medicine

Khorshid Mohammad
University of Calgary

Pablo J. Sanchez
The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Eilon Shany
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Susan Hintz
Stanford University School of Medicine
Confirmed national speakers

Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Santa Casa de São Paulo

Protecting Brains & Saving Futures

Federal University of São Paulo - USP / ILCOR - International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation

Protecting Brains & Saving Futures

Protecting Brains & Saving Futures

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul / SBP / SPRS / Newborn Brain Society

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul / Porto Alegre Clinical Hospital - HCPA

Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Professor Titular do Departamento de Pediatria da FCM/Unicamp, Consultor neonatal e do método canguru do ministério da saúde, Membro do grupo executivo do PRN/SBP e do conselho superior da RBPN.
Afiliações: universidade estadual de campinas UNICAMP/SP.
Check out the Second Edition

Check out the First Edition