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System to monitor brain activity in newborns at high-risk

PBSF has developed a system to monitor brain activity in newborns at high-risk of neurological damage, allowing for rapid intervention, saving lives and preventing permanent damage. The technology is based on a data center hub populated with information from hospitals in Brazil, built on Microsoft Azure.

Having a robust cloud structure is essential for the functioning of PBSF, where a large repertoire of exams related to brain monitoring of babies needs to be stored in a safe and optimized way.

In partnership with Microsoft professionals, the company developed an architecture based on resources such as Azure SQL Server, Event Hubs, IoT Central, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure Blob storage, among other solutions in the Azure environment.

Using Microsoft technology, PBSF created a structure called SIC (Surveillance and Intelligence Center) so that specialized professionals can monitor patients anywhere in Brazil and abroad. Upon discovering abnormalities, the SIC team notifies the on-call physicians, who intervene quickly using advanced protocols that have been implemented by PBSF throughout its experience.