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Our Protocols

Educational Platform

Congresses and Events

Scientific Content

This space is dedicated to doctors and health professionals who are dedicated to the care and well-being of newborn babies.


Therapeutic Hypothermia Protocol

ICU Protocol
Neonatal Neurological

Seizure Protocol
Neonatal Seizures

Congresses and Scientific Events

The aim of the PBSF is to promote knowledge in a comprehensive and up-to-date way, addressing fundamental topics in neurocritical care.

With workshops, national and international congresses and interactive debates, you will have the chance to explore the latest scientific advances, best clinical practices and the most up-to-date technological innovations.

Goiânia-GO 18/10/2024

Click here to find out more

Curitiba-PR 18/10/2024

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Neobrain Brasil 2024 _EN

Created in 2019, NeoBrain Brazil is an International Congress of Brain Monitoring and Neuroprotection organized by PBSF (Protecting Brains & Saving Futures). The purpose of the event is to exclusively discuss neuroprotection and care protocols focused on the brain of high-risk babies around the world.
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Scientific Content

Specialized content published in leading scientific journals and international reference portals.


Early amplitude-integrated electroencephalography for monitoring neonates at high risk for brain injury

Variane GF, Magalhães M, Gasperine R, Alves HC, Scoppetta TL, Figueredo RJ, et al. Early amplitude-integrated electroencephalography for monitoring neonates at high risk for brain injury. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017;93:460-6.

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Anaerobic neonatal meningitis: A diagnostic challenge

Silva CA, Dias L, Cardona RSB, Variane GFT, Nascimento SD, Oliveira SRP, Richtmann R. Anaerobic neonatal meningitis: A diagnostic challenge, Anaerobe, Volume 61, 2020, 102134, ISSN 1075-9964,  

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Neonatal Seizures—Perspective in Low-and Middle-Income Countries

Vegda H, Krishnan V, Variane GFT, et al. Neonatal Seizures—Perspective in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. Indian J Pediatr 89, 245–253 (2022).

Effectiveness of reaching and maintaining therapeutic hypothermia target temperature using low-cost devices in newborns with hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy

Kinoshita AN, Magalhães M, Rodrigues DP, Variane GFT, Pietrobom RFR, Gallaci CB, Pachi PR, Rodrigues FPM, Netto A, Safadi MAP. Effectiveness of reaching and maintaining therapeutic hypothermia target temperature using low-cost devices in newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2021 Jun;304(6):1217-1223. 

doi: 10.1002/ar.24615. 

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Simultaneous Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography (aEEG): Dual Use of Brain Monitoring Techniques Improves Our Understanding of Physiology

Variane GFT, Chock VY, Netto A, Pietrobom RFR and Van Meurs KP (2020) Simultaneous Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography (aEEG): Dual Use of Brain Monitoring Techniques Improves Our Understanding of Physiology. Front. Pediatr. 7:560. doi: 10.3389/fped.2019.00560

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Current Status and Future Directions of Neuromonitoring With Emerging Technologies in Neonatal Care

Variane GFT, Camargo JPV, Rodrigues DP, Magalhães M and Mimica MJ (2022) Current Status and Future Directions of Neuromonitoring With Emerging Technologies in Neonatal Care. Front. Pediatr. 9:755144. doi: 10.3389/fped.2021.755144

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Newer indications for neuromonitoring in critically ill neonates

Variane GFT, Pietrobom RFR, Noh CY, Van Meurs KP and Chock VY (2023) Newer indications for neuromonitoring in critically ill neonates. Front. Pediatr. 11:1111347. doi: 10.3389/fped.2023.1111347

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Newborns at high risk for brain injury: the role of the amplitude-integrated electroencephalography

Variane GFT, Rodrigues DP, Pietrobom RFR, França CN, Netto A, Magalhães M. Newborns at high risk for brain injury: the role of the amplitude-integrated electroencephalography, Jornal de Pediatria, Volume 98, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 565-571, ISSN 0021-7557,

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Proceedings of the 13th International Newborn Brain Conference: Neonatal Neurocritical Care, Seizures, and Continuous EEG monitoring

Abend N, Adams E, Al Balushi A, Alburaki W, Appendino J, Barbosa VS, Birca A, Bonifacio S, Branagan A, Chang T, Chowdhury R, Christou H, Chu C, Cilio MR, Comani S, Corsi-Cabrera M, Croce P, Cubero-Rego L, Dawoud F, de Vries L, Dehaes M, Devane D, Duncan A, El Ters N, El-Dib M, Elshibiny H, Esser M, Fairchild K, Finucane E, Franceschini MA, Gallagher A, Ghosh A, Glass H, Venkata SKRG, Baillet TH, Herzberg E, Hildrey E, Hurley T, Inder T, Jacobs E, Jefferies K, Jermendy A, Khazaei M, Kilmartin K, King G, Lauronen L, Lee S, Leijser L, Lind J, Llaguno NS, Machie M, Magalhães M, Mahdi Z, Maluomi J, Marandyuk B, Massey S, McCulloch C, Metsäranta M, Mikkonen K, Mohammad K, Molloy E, Momin S, Munster C, Murthy P, Netto A, Nevalainen P, Nguyen J, Nieves M, Nyman J, Oliver N, Peeters C, Pietrobom RFR, Pijpers J, Pinchefksy E, Ping YB, Quirke F, Raeisi K, Ricardo-Garcell J, Robinson J, Rodrigues DP, Rosati J, Scott J, Scringer-Wilkes M, Shellhaas R, Smit L, Soul J, Srivastava A, Steggerda S, Sunwoo J, Szakmar E, Tamburro G, Thomas S, Toiviainen-Salo S, Toma AI, Vanhatalo S, Variane GFT, Vein A, Vesoulis Z, Vilan A, Volpe J, Weeke L, Wintermark P, Wusthoff C, Zappasodi F, Zein H, Zempel J. Proceedings of the 13th International Newborn Brain Conference: Neonatal Neurocritical Care, Seizures, and Continuous EEG monitoring. J Neonatal Perinatal Med. 2022;15(2):467-485. doi: 10.3233/NPM-229006. PMID: 35431189.

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Need for more evidence in the prevention and management of perinatal asphyxia and neonatal encephalopathy in low and middle-income countries: A call for action

Krishnan V, Kumar V, Variane GFT, Carlo WA, Bhutta ZA, Sizonenko S, Hansen A, Shankaran S, Thayyil S; Newborn Brain Society Guidelines and Publications Committee. Need for more evidence in the prevention and management of perinatal asphyxia and neonatal encephalopathy in low and middle-income countries: A call for action. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2021 Oct;26(5):101271. doi: 10.1016/j.siny.2021.101271. Epub 2021 Jul 24. PMID: 34330679; PMCID: PMC8650826.

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A prospective, multicenter, and observational study on the use of telemedicine for neonatal neurocritical care in Brazil

Variane GFT, Magalhães M, Pietrobom RFR, Netto A, Rodrigues DP, Gasperini R, et al. (2022) Protecting brains and saving futures guidelines: A prospective, multicenter, and observational study on the use of telemedicine for neonatal neurocritical care in Brazil. PLoS ONE 17(1): e0262581.

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Rhesus disease in Brazil: A multi-professional national survey

Variane GFT, Sant’Anna GM. Rhesus disease in Brazil: A multi-professional national survey. Seminars in Perinatology, Volume 45, Issue 1, 2021, 151357, ISSN 0146-0005,

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Specialist Program for Excellence in Neurocritical Care

First-hand access to new solutions developed by PBSF.

Selection criteria:
  • Outstanding professional in your specialty
  • Interest in neonatal or pediatric neurocritical care
  • Alignment with the values and mission of the PBSF

Ethics, Respect, Transparency, Honesty, Search for Challenges and Innovations and Social Responsibility.

Our mission is to reduce the number of people with preventable disabling disabilities in the world to zero.

  • Attendance at at least 50% of the Program’s events
  • Active participation in updates to neurocritical care guidelines at their place of work
  • Promoting improvements in neurocritical care in the community and hospital of operation

12 months.

  • Quarterly Program Scientific Update Meetings: hybrid format (dates to be defined);
  • Santa Casa de São Paulo International Neonatology Meeting: May 16 and 17, 2025;
  • Exclusive event for members of the Specialists of Excellence in Neurocritical Care Program: 2025 (date to be determined);
  • Neobrain Brazil: 2026 (date to be determined).

Mariana Moretto, MD

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Pediatrician / Neonatologist
CRM SP 127088

Assistant physician at the Neonatal ICU of the São Luiz Star Rede D'Or Maternity Hospital
Member of the PBSF group;
General pediatric practice and emphasis on follow-up of premature patients and newborns after discharge from the neonatal ICU.

Érica Patrícia Cavalcante Barbalho, MD


Specialist in Pediatrics at the Federal University of Roraima and Subspecialist in Neonatology at the Federal University of Roraima.

Specialist in Pediatrics from the Federal University of Roraima (2017), Subspecialist in Neonatology from the Federal University of Roraima (2020).Graduated in Medicine from the Nilton Lins University (2012), Has experience in the area of urgency and emergency. She was director of the Emergency Department at the Santo Antônio Children's Hospital, in the city of Boa Vista - Roraima. She has collaborated on a literary work (on the theme of epilepsy). In 2015, she received an Honorable Mention award at the Brazilian Congress of Pediatrics for the relevant work presented. She is currently the technical manager of the Neonatal ICU at the Nossa Senhora de Nazareth Maternal and Child Hospital.

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Renata Lorenzetti de Castro, MD


Pediatrician - RQE 8113
Neonatologist - RQE 8114
CRM - GO 15356

Graduated in Nutrition from Centro Universitário São Camilo (2011) and in Business Administration from PUC-SP (2017). She is deputy coordinator of the SBP Neonatal Resuscitation Program (Goiás region) and a doctor at Protecting Brain & Saving Futures.

Felipe Motta, MD


Pediatrician / Neonatologist
CRM - 164880-SP

Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Pará (2012). Medical residency in pediatrics (2016) and pediatric emergency at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. Medical Residency in Neonatology (2018) at the Hospital de Clínicas of the University of São Paulo. He holds a PhD in medical sciences from the University of Brasília (2024). He is currently a member of the Pediatric Society of the Federal District (Neonatal Resuscitation Department). Experience in Pediatrics, specializing in Neonatology.

Taís Estevão da Silva Costa, MD


Pediatrician and Neonatologist

Pediatrician and Neonatologist from the Federal University of Uberlândia
Instructor of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics
Tutor of the Kangaroo Method Ministry of Health
Medical coordinator of the Neonatal ICU at Paracatu Municipal Hospital

Sandra Lúcia Andrade de Caldas Lins, MD


Pediatrician and Neonatologist
CRM DF - 8229

* Graduation: Federal University of Paraíba:
1986 - 1992
* Medical Residency in Pediatrics:
HMIB 1993 - 1994
* Medical Residency in Neonatology:
HMIB 1995
* Post Graduation in Baby Development from 0 to 3 years:
UNB 2001 - 2003
* Neonatologist: DF Health Department:
HMIB 2000 - 2024
* Medical Coordinator of the Neonatology Unit:
HMIB 2013 - 2023
* Medical Course Lecturer:
UNICEUB 2015 - 2017
* Medical Coordinator of the Neonatology Unit at Santa Lúcia Sul Hospital since 2017
* President of the Neonatology Research Institute - IPN since 2019

Ana Claudia Pimenta Barbosa Fernandes, MD


Pediatrician and Neonatologist

Santos Stevedores Hospital Complex /SP

Dra Ana Amélia, MD


Pediatrician and Neonatologist

Brasília Maternity Hospital

Juliana Valente, MD


Pediatrician and Neonatologist

Graduated in Medicine from the University of São Paulo in 2003, with a residency in Pediatrics from the same university. Specialization in Neonatology at the University of Michigan in 2007 and in Gastropediatrics at Santa Casa de São Paulo from 2013 to 2016.

Prof. Salma Saraty, MD


Pediatrician and Neonatologist

⦁ PhD in Sciences applied to Pediatrics/Neonatology from UNIFESP/EPM
⦁ Adj. Prof. of Pediatrics at UEPA Of Pediatrics at UEPA
⦁ Coordinator of the Neonatology service at the Santa Casa do Pará Foundation

Dr. Maurício Magalhães

Maurício Magalhães, MD


Pediatrician and Neonatologist

He graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de SP (1984). Medical residency in pediatrics (1985/1986). Trained in Neonatology at the Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de SP (1988). He holds a Master's degree in Medicine (Pediatrics) from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de SP (1996). He is currently Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo and Head of the Neonatology Service at Santa Casa de São Paulo. He has experience in Paediatrics, specializing in Neonatology and research in Neonatal Neurointensivism, his main area being Therapeutic Hypothermia.

Dra. Maria Eduarda

Maria Eduarda, MD


Pediatrician and Neonatologist

He graduated in Medicine from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (2015). Medical residency in pediatrics (2018) at the University Hospital of Brasília. Medical Residency in Neonatology (2020) at the Maternal and Child Hospital of Brasília.
She is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Brasilia (2024), Coordinator of the Neonatal Unit at the Santa Helena Rede D'Or Hospital (DF) and is studying for a PhD in Medical Sciences at the University of Brasilia (2021). She has experience in Pediatrics, specializing in Neonatology and Follow-Up of premature infants.